I love writing fan letters. Here’s my latest, to that redheaded bottomfeeder in the shallow end of the press pool, Maureen Dowd:

Ms. Dowd:

Boy, you must be running out of ideas. Having finished your fashion commentary on Wesley Clark’s wardrobe, you now become an advice columnist. You begin by saying that Bush wants to become “the national yenta.” But it sounds like you wish you had the job, given your snarky and uncalled-for pronouncements on the quality of Howard Dean’s marriage and the career and physical appearance of Dr. Judith (“crunchy Vermont hippie”) Steinberg.

Who are you to pass judgement on his–or anyone’s–marriage? And sorry, your “fair and balanced” inclusion of the campaign behaviour of Dean’s competitor’s spouses doesn’t excuse you. Your phony concern for Dean’s image, complete with handwringing repeating of the comments of unnamed “political operatives,” masks a barely-concealed condescension. To say–even in jest–that the corrupt and shallow Bush or his appalling supporters on the religious right should give Dr. Dean lessons in marital behavior is beyond the pale.