So I’m sitting here working and UPS comes up the driveway to make a delivery, and I notice from my second-floor window that the roof of the UPS truck has a large white rectangle painted on it.

Is there a reason for this? Is it part of some weird GPS thing? Has Homeland Security Guy Tom Ridge mandated this in an effort to track packages from subversives (or to subversives, as the case may be)? Do UPS drivers use the roof of their brown vans as a suntanning spot inbetween deliveries? Is God playing a huge video game with UPS trucks and needs an easier way to identify them from on high?

Inquiring minds want to know. Any UPS guys or gals out there, tell us the scoop. FedEx folks, too (although your inherent biases will be taken into account). I’ll post any responses that seem plausible.