I was intrigued by the talk in class Thursday about the effect of internet browsers upon web page displays, and thought that it might be a good idea to have more than one browser available on my computer so I can check how things look as I work.

So I went to Netscape.com and ordered a copy of Netscape 7 on CD-ROM; it should arrive next week. I then restarted the laptop in OS X and downloaded Mozilla. Fired ‘er up and WOW. It’s like being in a parallel universe. The single most striking example of the change was when I logged on to make this very post–the interface is a lot more sophisticated than the one I use in Explorer in OS 9.2.

I may never use Explorer to blog again. Mozilla on top of OS X–it’s like going to the Riviera on vacation and buying a new sports car while you’re there. It makes moving to OS X permanently a tempting thought, also.

Nothing but rain here for the past two weeks. We haven’t had more than a half a day of uninterrupted sun and it’s almost midseason. Everything is lush and green, but I could use a stretch of dry days. I’m tired of working in a dark house. I can only imagine what it’s like for folks having less window area than I do. I can understand how this weather can drive someone already prone to depression over the edge. And we’re in for a banner crop of mosquitoes when the sun does return.

And I bet the guy down the street, the one who shaved every tree off his acreage and installed a suburban golf-course lawn, will be out watering the damn thing after the second sunny day. I’d love to scatter a sack of dandelion heads over his front yard at dawn and then hide in the bushes and watch his reaction when he goes out to fire up the riding mower.